
SumaQosh: Official Website

Hi! I'm SumaQosh! I'm an English-Filipino SFW artist who makes oekaki pixel art and I love electronic music and most adorable things!

My pronouns are He/They. I prefer 'they' but I don't mind which one you identify me with. :3

My main goal is to create artwork that's mainly inspired by my interests (covering a wide scope of franchises and worlds) in the most adorable way possible.
One of the reasons as to why I create these uplifting pieces is to give myself and people solace while living on this hectic planet.

I started out in the world of art as 'SumaYosh' back in May 2021 when I would occasionally post hand-drawn works before discovering Pixilart in late July of 2021.
I never had much art experience in the past so my other goal is to improve my art skills and present an evolution of my artwork in the future to show how far I've gone as an artist!

Another goal is to also positively impact other people's lives, whether it be through sharing their artwork or simply sending a nice comment!
We live in a broken world so I feel like it's my duty to makes people's lives feel less miserable through fanarts and kind interactions.

One of my biggest inpirations for the sort of art I make comes from all the underground electronic music I listen to. Artists like MrKoolTrix, Infowler, Desx, Akosmo, modus., Convexity, Bad Disk, No Mana,
Astraleda, Focal Flare, Asteroid Afterparty, Metaroom and Cube Natural are a few of many musical inspirations behind the artworks that I make (alongside music communities such as Rushdown, Monstercat, Novatone, Neoluminum and Exobolt).

That's all I have to say here so in the meantime, please take care of yourselves.

Stay Safe and Stay Qoshmic! 🌠💜💙



You may not ask for free artwork from me. As adorable as your characters may be, I am so busy and only I can choose who I make artworks for. Sorry about that.

You may not use or repost my artworks without my permission or without crediting me. If you do this, I will threaten to take down or suspend your social media account if you do not comply.
As harsh as this sounds, I spend a lot of time and mental energy on my artworks so please show some respect and leave my artworks be (or at least credit me).

You may not use or reference my works in any political contexts or matters. The world is polarised enough (especially in my country X_x) and the last thing I want is for my artworks to contribute to all the chaos.
My little corner of the internet is meant to unite people regardless of their beliefs. :3

You may not use or reference my works in any xenophobic or radical context (i.e. racism, sexism, LGBTQ+phobia etc.). Please, show some dignity to others or I will have to block you out.

Here is a big one: YOU MAY NOT USE MY ARTWORK FOR ANYTHING N//F//T// OR CR//YP//TO RELATED!!! I don't care if you're into them but if I see you mint or use my artworks in such contexts
then I will take you down without any warning. Please, just don't. Support the artists you love. Respect their content.

Another big one (consider this a DNI list): p-d-s, z--s, m-ps are not welcome in my social circles. Seriously, seek help.

Big ups to Neocities!

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